Category Archives: Backup Restore

How to Remove Cryptolocker

In this article I will show you how to remove Cryptolocker and restore your files after your compromised computer system has been cleaned. Cryptotlocker is a particular nasty form of malware. It is classified as ransomware. Once infected, it restricts access to files on your computer system. You will be

Importance of Backups

The importance of backups cannot be underestimated. I am still amazed reading stories in the news about companies loosing their data and even whole websites. There are many reasons your important data can get lost. Some of the reasons are hard-drive failures, computer viruses, accidental deletions, fire, flood, theft. There

Data Recovery with Parted Magic

Have you ever come across a situation where you can’t boot your computer? The computer starts, but Windows crashes and you get that dreaded blue screen. Or the computer just freezes after start-up. You haven’t backed up your data lately and desperately need some important documents. Don’t panic there are